How to store kiln dried firewood
We have written many articles on the benefits of using kiln dried logs (kiln dried logs will save you money, The Difference Between Seasoned And Kiln Dried Logs). In these articles, we describe kiln dried logs and their many benefits. You're sold, you want to buy them, there is just one stumbling block: storage. You are still hesitant to invest in kiln dried logs as you’re not sure how to store them? And you're right, storing logs can be tricky. They are bulky and difficult to handle. In many ways, coal and smokeless fuel has the storage advantage. However, all is not lost. Here we offer a few tips on how to store your kiln dried logs.
The best way to store logs is in a low humidity environment, essentially indoors where it’s warm and dry. The ideal place to store kiln dried logs is indoors. While you can safely store them outside, doing so will diminish the quality of the logs. Kiln dried logs burn hotter and for longer periods than seasoned logs because they contain very little moisture. If left in a humid environment (e.g. anywhere outside in the UK), they will eventually equalize — absorbing the the moisture from the surrounding atmosphere. As a result, they will burn sooty and at a lower temperature. Storing kiln dried wood outside causes it to lose its potency.

Indoors, you say...It could be possible...
The optimal place to store kiln dried wood is in a dry environment. Do you have space in your garage, for example? Your garage may not be as arid as the Pedirka Desert but it's better than outdoors in the rain. Alternatively, you could use a large, empty cupboard in the main part of your home? Even your attic or basement? The truth is that you can store kiln dried wood anywhere that it will be protected from humidity. (One caveat is it should be kept away from intense heat to minimise the risk of a fire breaking out.)

Outdoors? You need a wood store...
You may wish to invest in a wood store for your kiln dried firewood. If you have no choice but to keep the wood outside, a wood store will help protect it from rain, and therefore slow the rate at which its moisture content level rises. A wood store with vented sides exposed to the air is ideal. This will allow the prevailing wind to blow through and keep moisture from getting trapped. Thus stopping mould and fungus from forming.

Kiln dried is still better
Kiln dried firewood has many advantages. Don’t be afraid to buy kiln dried just because you’re unsure of how to store it! By following the guidelines we’ve outlined here, you’ll find that it’s easy to keep your kiln dried logs in top condition.